Skirt heaven

I heard a rumour a while back about Clothkits relaunching and had a moment of fond nostalgia for my turquoise pinafore dress which I adored when I was about 6. I was prompted to go and have a look at the new stuff by a post on All Things Considered this evening. Oh my. I thought the kids stuff looked good. Then I spotted the words Rob Ryan (who’s work I love) and there was a match made in skirt heaven. A Rob Ryan-designed Clothkits skirt for grown ups. Almost sheer perfection (sheer perfection would be if it was printed on organic cotton). I want to design for Clothkits now. Should we start a campaign?


5 responses to “Skirt heaven”

  1. Not sure if comments are moderated or mine got lost in the ether…That skirt is unspeakably awesome!!! So is the other adult one. Unfortunately not in my size 🙂 You could probably do something similar with Spoonflower when they’re up and running. I know you can design up to like 44″ wide by however long you want. I’m really curious to see how the custom fabric printing is going to come out.

  2. Oh, yes! That’s fabulous!(Hello, by the way! I found your blog whilst searching for a thread holder, and stayed to read the whole thing.) 🙂

  3. You could enter the competition on the Clothkits website, and you might end up with your design on a skirt.

  4. I think I remember that turquoise pinafore dress – I do believe I was the one who assembled it. So glad you liked it enough to remember it still!

  5. I looooovvve Rob Ryan’s work, I adore that skirt. I’ve never heard of ClothKits, what a find! Thanks!

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