Co-creation projects

Artworks created with the contributions and input of others

My work only has an impact if others engage with it and through co-creation there is a deep engagement with my messages, creating a network of curiosity and connection. Co-creation is about valuing diverse stories and contributions and celebrating the strength of those varied ways of living, working, thinking and making. Multiple voices combined are much stronger and more powerful than just one voice. It creates a network of engaged and empowered people who share the project and the message more widely. Co-creation can highlight unseen stories and make messages accessible to others, participation can inspire and empower, it can raise self-esteem and open new doors to creative expression and new ways of thinking. Read more about co-creation in my post here.

Some of my previous projects are shown below. I’ve also got some new co-creation projects coming up in 2024 onwards which I’ve talked about here.

Words About Women

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