Making Meaning Podcast Episode 38 with Claire Morris-Wright

This week I’m talking to artist Claire Morris-Wright, an artist in neighbouring Northamptonshire, who I’ve known for a few years and always enjoy talking too.

We talk about looking closely and thinking deeply, about slow processing of ideas and about sharing and connecting as a fundamental part of both our practices.

Claire Morris-Wright is a fine artist born in North Wales, who graduated from Brighton Art College and is currently living in rural Northamptonshire.

She is one of the founding members of Knighton Lane Artists Studios and Leicester Print Workshop.

Her practice is based on personal responses to the surrounding environment where small areas of landscape are watched carefully over long periods of time looking in great detail at every aspect of that space. Chance intervention is her methodology. It is often the mistakes and flaws that are of interestallowing symbolic and deeply personal references to emerge.

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Download the full transcript here

Find Claire’s work

Claire’s Website

Claire’s Instagram

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