I have recently started a new collaboration with artist friend Gillian McFarland exploring stains and marks. It is incredibly liberating to just experiment and play, swapping ideas and techniques and to see where it takes us creatively, without a fixed goal or deadline. For me it is great to feel able to explore process and concepts in a variety of different media rather than feeling confined to a material or technique.



8 responses to “Creating Stains”

  1. I really enjoy process too. What are some of the techniques you used in the pictures shown? Sounds like fun!

  2. Ruth Singer Avatar
    Ruth Singer

    We’ve used some mono printing, perforation, coffee staining and silk painting techniques so far!

  3. Jacqui Avatar

    Oh Wow, I know Gillian, I went to post grad college with her in Edinburgh. Brilliant artist. Good luck with your venture.

  4. Ruth Singer Avatar
    Ruth Singer

    Wow, what a small world! I’ve been sharing a studio with her for a couple of years (though I’ve moved out now).

  5. I just found some damp (probably rust-marked) paint cloths in the garage – old white cotton sheets used by me to cover furniture while painting various houses going back a few decades, flecked with paint of various kinds. Any use to you…?

  6. I think I need to look into this… really like the pictures of what you have done

  7. Ruth Singer Avatar
    Ruth Singer

    Thank you. I’m awfully tempted to say yes except I have a large box in the loft marked ‘damaged and stained sheets’ and I think adding more would be excessive!

  8. It’s an odd thing to offer, I know! If you find yourself short, do holler. I’ve laundered them all. May end up making stained bunting with them… 😉

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