Fine Art Quilt Masters Competition at Festival of Quilts

I’m delighted to announce that my piece Criminal Quilt has been selected for the Fine Art Quilt Masters competition at the Festival of Quilts 11th-14th August.

You can see all the shortlisted pieces here, but they have no names so you can play guess the artist….

“Fine Art Quilt Masters is a juried competition that is open to all. Judged by a panel of leading figures drawn from the art and quilting worlds, the works selected for exhibition will be presented in a distinct gallery within The Festival of Quilts 2016. The aim is to celebrate those quilts that transcend craft and demand equal billing with work shown in an art gallery.

All textile techniques may be employed, from simple quilting or patchwork to fabric printing, embroidery and creative mixed-media. Judges will be looking for a fully-resolved composition and powerful impression. Abstract and figurative pieces are equally welcome. “


2 responses to “Fine Art Quilt Masters Competition at Festival of Quilts”

  1. Wren Grumbles Avatar
    Wren Grumbles

    Congratulations! I really like the layering effect of your artwork. Thank you so much for sharing the other pieces as well. This is so much the kind of fiber art that interests me so I have found these pieces quite inspiring!

  2. Congratulations! I really like the layering you used in your artwork. Thanks also for posting images of the other pieces. They are all very inspiring! I’m in the US so won’t be able to see them in person so this is the next best thing!

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